PDF Creation and Delivery

Hybrid Mail

Your documents delivered from desktop to doormat

Do you have multiple business locations, documents generated every day in offices and call centres? All of this can be expensive. Save money on ink, paper, toner and franking costs whilst increasing the efficiency of your office printing with our Hybrid Mail postal service, the efficient way to print and post your everyday documents.

Hybrid Mail is a simple mail delivery service revolutionising the way businesses send letters and postcards. From the click of a button you can send your printed communications from desktop to doormat saving you time and money on print, fulfilment and franking. With the flexibility of formats, your letters and postcards created in-house are securely uploaded to an online portal for production.

In seconds we receive, print, fulfil and inject your mail into our nationwide network for delivery within 2 or 3 days, depending on your recipient’s location. It’s secure, easy to set up, offers track and traceability of your documents and ensures your communications reach your contacts sooner.

Creating a practical and efficient delivery solution for organisations working remotely even from different geographical locations during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

Whistl Hybrid Mail

Benefits of Hybrid Mail

  • Flexible capacity - print what you need, when you need it, with no minimum order quantity.
  • Reduce costs by up to 30% - Save money on franking, stationery and printing equipment. Plus control how much users spend with detailed cost reports.
  • Mail documents the same day - Upload by 4pm, we’ll print, enclose and despatch that day.
  • Improve brand consistency - Create document templates to give uniformity to your communications.
  • Time saving – Gives staff more time to concentrate on core business activities.
  • Easy integration – online portal and systems which integrates easily with your business systems.
  • Safe and secure – Ensures total security and confidentiality through our closed system


True document control and brand consistency, no matter which office location is managing the commmunication?

If you are a  business generating a high volume of customer documents and you need them to reach your recipients quickly then we can help. System generated PDF files created in volume, at speed, by teams in your call centres, offices and branches often go unmanaged. The restricted PDF format can limit management controls: exposing your business messages to quality and compliance issues.  

Engage is the solution for all your concerns. It is an online production that can be used for all your outbound personalised mail needs, taking away format restrictions and delivering a responsive online reviewing experience. Integrating with your ERP, HCM and CRM software, Engage identifies, and seeks approval for, non-conforming documents: to enhance your document accuracy and brand consistency.


Whistl Engage

Benefits of Engage

  • Upload data from multiple systems - Transfer PDF documents from any software, via a print driver, the online Engage application or an API for your organisation.
  • Control document accuracy - Approve or reject PDF documents quickly, through management controls and automated rejection rules.
  • Prioritise and automate output - Apply rules to specific documents to systematically upgrade urgent postal items to first-class and automate output for post, email or online portal.
  • Detailed document tracking - Comply with legal deadlines and plan resources for response handling, by monitoring output to when the last document is physically enclosed. Download tracking information to integrate with your existing systems.



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