Pushing the envelope

July 2018


It may not be the top of your priority list when developing a direct mail campaign but choosing the right envelope for your mailing could make a huge difference to your response rates and return on investment.

Here are some handy tips.

Size matters Untidy envelopes do not make for a successful DM campaign so make sure you choose an envelope that adequately holds all your printed material. Stuffing your content into an envelope that meets a standard ‘letter’ format may save on postage but if the mailer looks cheap and dog-eared you’ll risk reducing your response.

Quality counts Your envelope is the first thing the recipient will see and feel so it’s crucial that you create a good first impression if you have any chance of your mail being opened and read. Make sure the quality of the envelope reflects your campaign and the content, whether that’s size, print finish or colour.

Design drives response Use colour, graphics and messaging on your envelope to achieve real stand-out. Envelope design can make a huge difference to uplift in response. Plus it can be integrated with the look and feel of the entire campaign. For instance you could choose to use a teaser message on the outer that complements the information inside, include a branded stamp or design that is relevant to your target audience.

Get personal Good quality data goes a long way in ensuring a successful marketing campaign and this can be put to good use on the envelope. Think about tailoring the message on the envelope to the recipient to make it even more personal such as referring to the reader’s interests or buying history.

Make it interactive Use a perforated strip-opener, peel-off sticker or pull-off note to make your mail piece more interactive and increase open-rates. The longer the envelope remains in the recipient’s hand, the more likely it is to be read and retained.

To find our how we can help you maximise your marketing budgets with our range of mailing solutions visit our industries page or email moreinfo@whistl.co.uk.

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