Cookie free 2024 forces marketers to look again at print-based advertising channels

November 2023

With the phasing out of cookies in digital advertising and its replacement with aggregated data targeting through Google Topics API, marketers are starting to reevaluate the efficacy, use and mix of their marketing channels.

This reevaluation, and the continued need for GDPR compliant data, has seen a steep rise in demand for and experimentation with an overlooked marketing channel, door drop media. 

Over the past two quarters the IPA Bellwether Report has reported increases in direct marketing budgets of 7.3% and 5% respectively – the biggest upward revisions since 2006.

To enable door drop media, specifically leaflet advertising, to compete with the digital channels, Whistl Doordrop Media launched Leafletdrop its self-service leaflet campaign booking tool to compete with other campaign booking tools such as Google Ads and Meta Ads. 

Since its launch five years ago over 300 million leaflets have been generated and over 1000 businesses of all sizes have used Leafletdrop to target customers in their locality or across the UK including e-commerce, subscription services, political parties, charities, food delivery outlets, restaurants, retail and entertainment outlets.

Anticipating the end of cookie use in digital advertising by the end of 2024, the self-serve leaflet platform has been overhauled with a simpler and better user experience including navigation to make the booking process more efficient and faster.

Leafletdrop enables B2C marketeers to GDPR compliantly target specific audiences through geodemographic targeting down to postcode sector level using one of the most effective advertising channels available. According to JICMAIL, Door drops are among the most attention-efficient media channels available, costing just 7p to deliver a minute of consumer attention which compares favourably to digital channels at 19p for the same impact.

The updated martech platform has had a major facelift, now advertisers can design a leaflet, select their geographical areas from 30 million households, target their audience, print and book multiple design versions and campaign weeks all on line in minutes.

There are no minimum volumes so a new user can test an area quickly and cost effectively to establish how the message is being received and acted upon, such as using discount codes or promotion time slots.

Whistl Doordrop Media are the UK’s market leaders in audience targeting and door drop services.

In planning their 2024 campaigns, marketers need to wake up to the reality of a cookie-less future, and as part of that change, we want them to reconsider using print as part of their marketing mix. Many advertisers who have discovered doordrops recently consider it the missing ingredient driving improved effectiveness through broadcast, direct and digital channels. Through Leafletdrop, we have made creating, targeting and booking a campaign easier than Google and Meta Ads. Remember, good new-fashioned doordrop media remains on par unless more effective than digital advertising. It’s time for the new generation of marketers to give targeted leaflet advertising that delivers a go.

Mark Davies, Managing Director of Whistl Doordrop Media

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