Premier Housewares impressed with Parcelhub’s willingness to innovate

Premier Housewares is a family-run company and have been one of the most trusted homewares suppliers since 1988. 

Premier housewares logo

As one of the UK’s leading dropshippers and suppliers of homewares to the retail trade, Premier Housewares boasts over 12,000 products. This is constantly on the rise; derived demand from consumers and directly from their retail clients means they must continuously innovate.

Premier Housewares’ expanding storage facilities and vast stock levels led to a requirement to streamline their delivery management and track with their order management system. Hayley McAlinden (Online Sales and Account Manager) discovered Parcelhub back in November 2017 and found it could be an ideal solution; a single platform designed to help them manage these processes:

“It would be extremely difficult and inefficient to rely upon a single carrier. Not one carrier in the industry offers a range of solutions suited to our extensive, evolving product range.
 “For example, some of our smaller items are most effectively shipped on an international packet service, whereas larger items may require a two-man delivery... It was easier for us to try and find a one-stop solution like Parcelhub, which would give us access to a wide range of carriers and services in a single platform and increase the visibility of delivery statuses.”

“Parcelhub’s multi-carrier software was about 90% appropriate to our needs, so it still required further customisation to meet this objective. Parcelhub analysed how we processed our orders and implemented a staged plan, which included partner phasing and further custom development.”

“To have an IT developer visit us, learn in great detail our complex requirements and scope out a plan was incredible. I was surprised at how open and willing Parcelhub was to take on the project – other delivery management providers we had spoken to were either too rigid and unwilling to offer a tailored solution, too expensive and unnecessary, or both.”

Parcelhub is highly forward-thinking and sees customer-driven developments such as this as an opportunity of mutual benefit, and will be rolling out this offering to other customers in the future

Fiona Gilchrist, Head of Systems Premier Housewares

Premier Housewares Case Study


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