4 eCommerce trends that will take 2015 by storm

December 2014

With more consumers turning to the web to buy and research products, the line between e-retailers and traditional brick-and-mortar stores is beginning to blur. More and more of us are using the internet to gather information, browse recommendations, and read reviews before purchasing.

Recent research indicates that 70 per cent of shoppers have made their minds up about what they want to buy long before they even reach the checkout. With that in mind, it’s crucially important your business gives customers a good reason to shop with you, providing in-depth information and unique and original content they can’t find anywhere else.

The following eCommerce tips look at some of the trends we think will shake up the world of online retail in the year ahead.

Get physical

As we head toward the New Year, more and more businesses realise the importance of physical stores. Not only does this increase your brand's visibility, it offers consumers a more connected shopping experience, allowing you to weave the benefits of physical and digital together. On the digital side, you should strive to recreate the ‘in-store experience’, giving consumers access to real-time customer service and expert advice.
In any language

One of the critical benefits of eCommerce is that it allows customers from anywhere in the world to buy your products. However, recent figures from One Hour Translation indicate that e-retailers could be missing out by not offering native-language experiences to overseas shoppers. Over two-thirds of online shoppers are non-English speakers, so localising your site for overseas consumers should be a priority.
Get personal

‘Segmentation’ and ‘targeting’ are two terms you’ll hear a lot of in 2015. An increasing number of online retailers are using these methods to isolate loyal customers and offer them incentives, exclusive promotions, and more.
Focus on quality

One trend that will never go out of style is creating quality, bespoke content. Giving your customers something they can’t get anywhere else, be it products, information, features, or promotions, will ensure they keep coming back, building a legion of loyal, hungry fans.

Parcelhub, part of the Whistl group, helps over 500 eCommerce, eBay and Amazon Retailers save time and money on their business parcel delivery.

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